Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dr. Alice Christie

Dr. Alice Christie consulting Teacher sites, where she speaks on conducts workshops nationally and internationally on how technology can enhance teaching and learning. Once a person realize that technology really does enhance the learning ability it will improve the teaching skills and I think it will help me once I am a teacher. Alice has conducted research on gender differs in the uses of technology, scaffolding teachers as they integrate technology in their classrooms, and the use of electronic portfolios for assessment. the more information that is with held in the portfolio for assessment can show your skills. Dr. Alice has had over forty years of experience as an educator, numerous awards for teaching excellence, vast knowledge of how to integrate technology in teaching and learning, and an internationally acclaimed Web site, she presents enlightening, empowering, and relevant workshops to educators. Teacher workshop will also keep me up to date with the skill that i would have to provide.
"Her ability to inspire teachers, and her deep understanding of the learning process make her an indispensable workshop facilitator for K-12 schools seeking to integrate technology, improve instructional strategies, and student learning". The varies things listed are very influential to teachers. Dr. Christie’s workshops are proven to engage, challenge, and invigorate participating teachers. It states Dr. Christie is happy to work with anyone to identify the best options to meet your professional development needs. She tailors each workshop to meet the grade levels, content areas, and school-wide goals of her participants. Her workshop topics are listed on this site
I think her just being able to consult to better professional development and varies teaching methods can help me become a better teacher. It is always a better outcome on things when people inspire you so this could also help the teacher approach and development.

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